Furry Groom

Low Maintenance Cats For Apartments: 10 Breeds That Are Perfect for Small Spaces

Low maintenance cats for apartments are a great option for cat lovers who live in small spaces. Whether you live in an apartment, a condo, or a city home, you may be looking for a cat breed that suits your lifestyle and environment. 

Some cats can be noisy, messy, or high-maintenance, which could cause problems in your living situation. On the other hand, some cats are easy to care for, don’t shed much, and are self-sufficient, which can save you time, money, and space on grooming and maintenance.

In this article, I will share ten low-maintenance cats that will make great companions for your cozy place.

1. Sphynx: Minimalistic Apartment Cats

Sphynx cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The Sphynx is a unique cat breed with almost no fur except for a thin layer of peach-like fuzz. This makes it ideal for people who suffer from allergies or don’t want to deal with grooming and shedding

The Sphynx is also very affectionate and social and loves to cuddle with its owner and other pets. The Sphynx is not a cold-blooded cat, as some people might think, but rather a warm and friendly one that enjoys being close to heat sources and wearing sweaters.

The Sphynx does require some special care, such as regular bathingear cleaning, and nail trimming, as it does not have the protection of a coat. However, these tasks are relatively easy and quick to do and do not require any special tools or products. 

The Sphynx is also very intelligent and curious and enjoys playing with toys and exploring its surroundings. The Sphynx is a loyal and devoted cat that will follow you around the house and keep you company.

2. Devon Rex: Apartment-Friendly Companions

Devon Rex cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The Devon Rex is another hairless cat breed with a wavy coat and large ears. It is hypoallergenic, meaning it produces less dander and saliva than other cats and, therefore, causes fewer allergic reactions. 

The Devon Rex is also very low-shedding and requires minimal brushing. The Devon Rex is also very intelligent and curious and enjoys playing with toys and exploring its surroundings.

The Devon Rex is a playful and energetic cat that loves jumping, climbing, and chasing. It is also very affectionate and friendly, and likes interacting with its owner and other pets. 

The Devon Rex is not a shy cat but a confident and outgoing one who adapts well to new situations and people. The Devon Rex is a fun-loving and charming cat that will keep you amused and entertained.

3. Burmese: The Naturally Clean Cat for Apartments

Burmese cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The Burmese is a short-haired cat breed with a glossy coat and a muscular body. It is very clean and meticulous and grooms itself regularly, ensuring a spotless abode with minimal fur tumbleweeds. 

The Burmese are also very loyal and friendly and like to follow their owner around the house and participate in their activities. The Burmese is not a solitary or independent cat but a social and interactive one that craves attention and affection.

The Burmese is a very vocal and expressive cat that likes to communicate with its owner and other pets. It is also very intelligent and trainable and can learn tricks and commands. 

The Burmese is not a lazy or inactive cat but a lively and playful one who enjoys toys and games. The Burmese is a faithful and loving cat that will bond with you and your family.

4. Singapura: The Tiny Tidy Cat

Singapura cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The Singapura is the smallest cat breed in the world, weighing only 4 to 8 pounds. It has a sleek coat and large eyes and looks like a miniature leopard. 

The Singapura is also very clean and tidy and keeps itself well-groomed. The Singapura is also very affectionate and cuddly and likes to snuggle with its owner and other pets. 

The Singapura is not a distant or aloof cat but a warm and friendly one that enjoys being close to its owner.

The Singapura is a very curious and adventurous cat that likes to explore and investigate its environment. It is also very agile and athletic and can easily jump and climb. 

The Singapura is not a dull cat but a lively and mischievous one who likes to play and have fun. The Singapura is a delightful and charming cat that will brighten your day.

5. Cornish Rex: Calm And Easy-going Cat

Cornish Rex cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The Cornish Rex is a cat breed with a curly coat and a slender body. It sheds very little hair and requires minimal brushing. 

The Cornish Rex is also very laid-back and relaxed and prefers to nap and snuggle rather than run and jump. The Cornish Rex is also very affectionate and gentle and likes petting and stroking

The Cornish Rex is not a demanding or needy cat but rather a calm and easy-going one that fits seamlessly into the tranquility of apartment life.

The Cornish Rex is a quiet, peaceful cat that rarely meows or makes noise. It is also very intelligent and obedient and can learn tricks and commands. 

The Cornish Rex is not a hyperactive or restless cat but rather a serene and content one that enjoys simple activities like watching birds or sunbathing. The Cornish Rex is a soothing and comforting cat that will relax you and your mood.

6. Russian Blue: Quiet And Reserved Cat

Russian Blue cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The Russian Blue is a cat breed with a silvery-blue coat and green eyes. It is very elegant and graceful and has a gentle personality. 

The Russian Blue is also very quiet and reserved and rarely meows or makes noise. The Russian Blue is also very clean and neat and grooms itself regularly. 

The Russian Blue is not a messy or destructive cat but a tidy and well-behaved one that respects your space and belongings.

The Russian Blue is a loyal and devoted cat that likes to be near its owner and other pets. It is also very intelligent and independent and can entertain itself when left alone. 

The Russian Blue is not a clingy or needy cat but rather a dignified and confident one that adapts well to different situations and people. The Russian Blue is a noble and refined cat that will impress you and your guests.

7. British Shorthair: Affectionate, easy-going, and calm

British shorthair cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The British Shorthair is a cat breed with a thick coat and a round face. It is very sturdy and robust and can adapt to any environment. 

The British Shorthair is also very easy-going and calm and enjoys sunbathing and sleeping. The British Shorthair is also very affectionate and sweet and likes to cuddle with its owner and other pets. 

The British Shorthair is not a standoffish or unfriendly cat but a warm and loving one who enjoys being part of the family.

The British Shorthair is a quiet and polite cat that does not cause trouble or make a fuss. It is also very intelligent, curious and likes to observe and learn from its surroundings. 

The British Shorthair is not a lazy or inactive cat but a moderate and balanced one that enjoys gentle play and exercise. The British Shorthair is a charming and adorable cat that will melt your heart.

8. Oriental: Very Affectionate And Friendly Cat

Oriental  cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The Oriental is a cat breed with a long coat and a slender body. It comes in many colors and patterns and has a distinctive voice. The Oriental is also very vocal and expressive and likes communicating with its owner and other pets. 

The Oriental is also very affectionate and friendly and likes to interact with its owner and other pets. The Oriental is not a silent or shy cat but rather a talkative and outgoing one who enjoys being the center of attention.

The Oriental is a playful and energetic cat that loves jumping, climbing, and chasing. It is also very intelligent and creative and likes to invent new games and toys. The Oriental is not a dull cat but rather a fun and lively one that likes to have fun and make you laugh. 

The Oriental is a fascinating and amusing cat that will keep you on your toes.

9. Bombay: Quiet And Peaceful Cat

Bombay cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The Bombay cat breed has a black coat and yellow eyes. It looks like a miniature panther and has a sleek appearance. The Bombay is also very quiet and peaceful and purrs softly rather than meows loudly. The Bombay is also very affectionate and cuddly and likes to snuggle with its owner and other pets. 

The Bombay is not a distant or aloof cat but a close and intimate one that enjoys being in your lap.

The Bombay is a curious and adventurous cat that likes exploring and investigating its environment. It is also very agile and athletic and can easily run and jump. 

The Bombay is not a timid or fearful cat but rather a brave and confident one that can handle any challenge. The Bombay is a stunning and elegant cat that will captivate you and your eyes.

10. American Shorthair: The Easy-Going Cat

American shorthair cat are low maintenance cats for apartments

The American Shorthair is a cat breed with a short coat and a medium-sized body. It is very versatile and adaptable and can live in any space. The American Shorthair is also very content and happy and enjoys simple activities like playing with toys or watching birds. 

The American Shorthair is also very affectionate and friendly and likes to get along with its owner and other pets. The American Shorthair is not a troublesome or aggressive cat but a cooperative and gentle one that respects your rules and boundaries.

The American Shorthair is a quiet and polite cat that does not cause trouble or make a fuss. It is also very intelligent and independent and can entertain itself when left alone. 

The American Shorthair is not a clingy or needy cat but a self-reliant and confident one who can handle any situation. The American Shorthair is a charming and adorable cat that will be your loyal buddy.


As you can see, many cat breeds are perfect for apartment living; they are low-maintenance, low-shedding, and self-cleaning. These cats are easy to care for and can save you time, money, and space. They are also calm, quiet, and gentle and can fit into your lifestyle and environment. They are also affectionate, friendly, and playful and can provide you with companionship and entertainment.

If you are looking for a low maintenance cat for your apartment, consider one of these ten breeds. They are all wonderful and unique and have their personalities and traits. You can choose the one that matches your preferences and needs and enjoy the benefits of having a feline friend in your small space.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. If you have any questions or comments, please share them with us.


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